Patrick Mason
Philosophy : I paint, sculpt and work with stained glass to present visuals that entice the viewer to think. Colour is portrayed as a symbolic as well as a scientific search for knowledge. Much of my work in nature, and in particular in Algonquin park, relates to the awe of nature itself just as the seas present the imagery of individuals as relatively insignificant. When we use our abilities to wonder we can comprehend our eternity as particles of a star that for the most part allows us to exist without knowing. Exist though, we do if only for a very short period of time. I wish only that this very brief interlude of existence would encourage us to treat each other as in the golden rule rather than creating a universe of trying to attain more than others. Such a brief interlude should entice the harmony and fullfillment of a cherished violin piece. We surely all return to basic particles with the result that pain-free is also thought-free. Perhaps that is why thinking is so difficult, the necessary energy to think most often renders us exhausted so we cling to hopeful ideas presented by indoctrinated power mongers of the past who lead their flocks of sheep down narrow paths of superstitions. The power seekers leave swaths of vulgarity and pain that blight the mind and intellect. Too weak are the onlookers to protect the sufferings of the masses too easily following the self-righteous. Until all individuals are accorded the basic rights of free thought and equal treatment our impulses to think that we Know is again limited too often to age old superstitions and downright bigotries. My political philosophy paintings tend to be symbolic presentations of the inequities in life especially of women. The right to think for oneself is clouded by indoctrinations so vast that they easily overwhelm the individual on their quest for survival. Free thought is most dangerous to instilled beliefs based upon male dominated values and wishes. Controlling the mind is the quest of the powerful in order to retain the status quo. Overcoming indoctrination is the quest of my searching for communicating through art.
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"Men War and Inequality"
Man has created gods for thousands of years to explain what they could not understand and they then and now control their followers with fantasy stories.
Gullibility and threats of eternal damnation or ecstasy prevented the questioning of unknowns. Men use their gods to justify their own inadequacies, fears, sexual dysfunctions and their other torments.
Men create wars using their invented gods to justify the horrors they use to control their enemies including nuclear weapons.
Justifying their control over women became so onerous that even in our times mothers subject their daughters to mutilations of bodies and minds. “Women were man’s first possession.” John Stuart Mill”.
Men continue to traffic in humans.
Men create gods who then deign to give those men earthly territories.
Religions reduce women to second class citizenship and inequality.
Men created reprehensible ideologies to justify their rape, pillage and murder of countless women and children and even babies.
Political and religious leaders create ideologies of hatred and inequality towards LGBTQ2s+ communities and other minority groups.
Man has created atomic weapons to control others and threaten world destruction. Just as they burned naked women as witches out of fear of their knowledge.
Men have created political parties and then promote them as religions to justify whatever their leaders promote. Superiority and hatred are taught ideologies.
Representative Symbols of Men War and Inequality
Adam and Eve
Virgin assumption
Moses parting the waters
Noah’s Arc
Slave ship. Blue Heart campaign
KKK White Supremacy
Women with razor blades to mutilate their own daughters
Women burned at the stake.
Priests and bishop subjecting sexual repression and inequality of women and clergy.
LGBTQ2s+ symbolic flags
Kamikaze pilots
Sanctifying the butchering of others to gain martyrdom with 72 virgins
Napalm war usage burning children
Atomic bomb explosion in the background
Red Dress Memorial
Genocides Holocaust Holodomor Indigenous
The crucified woman symbolizes the treatment of women by three modern religious organizations represented by the Host, Chalice, Bishop; Menorah, Ten Commandments; Mosque and Crescent. The female head is eliminated as her torso is seen as evil because of its ‘ innate’ sinful attraction to man. Her body is therefore the symbol to be crucified as her head is viewed by men to be non-existent. The Flowering Shamrock expresses the symbolic flowering of women’s minds in ancient times and then contrasts with the Trinity, in this case the three major religions depicted. Matisse’s dance incorporates the freedom of the woman’s body from the chains of man and allows the Cornucopia to begin to reappear as 20th century women begin to partake in the fruit of plenty: knowledge; justice and equality and her desirable body re-emerges to be a positive gift of life. The dance is reflected in the past ‘Light’ of ‘Stonehenge’ and creates an image of freedom in contrast to the insidious treatment of women represented in the killing by rope and fire of women referred to as witches or adulterers or temptresses. The vine of love will only entwine those able to freely express and accept total equality. The use of the term over-zealous to explain or even excuse the domination of women by men reduces the males to a life of slavery, a life that prevents half of humanity from fully enjoying the fruits of equality and the other half from their fruits of justice. We are further insulted by those who do not see a responsibility to denounce, at every opportunity, the evils perpetrated by the powerful and their organizations. The term, over-zealous, attempts to allow the concepts of inequality, injustice and prejudice to continue. Women have been crucified by those who only see the physical attraction and apply guilt to this attraction as if an evil creator has dealt humanity a vicious hand with all the wild cards given to men. |
"Hatred is a short cut on the road of ignorance. Indoctrination seeds ignorance and superiority."
"When your food consumption, your sexuality, your conscience is controlled, you are indoctrinated for life. You are incapable of reason."
"Imagine buying into a belief system then finding out it supports evil. Your past support interferes with the new realization of truth. You blindly continue to believe in your indoctrinated beliefs and indoctrinate your children to believe them as well. All the time you insult those that oppose the evil and insist on your indoctrinated falsehoods to oppose truth."
"Teaching children to accept consequences, to be independent, responsible, social, trustworthy and honest is proper parenting."
"A work of art enters the eye and fills the heart with love."
Despicable discrimination of women!
When a leader bans great books ignorance reigns supreme, when individuals refuse to read great books their ignorance is self inflicted.
Patrick Mason
"A Tribute to Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life, An Antidote to Chaos"
I suggest every parent, teacher, politician read this thought provoking work by Jordan Peterson.
This painting uses a clock in presenting the twelve rules suggested by Dr. Peterson. Each comment below is connected to an image in the painting.
1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back! (Connection: lobster)
2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping. (Connection: medicine)
3. Make friends with people who want the best for you. (Connection: Yin-yan reciprocity)
4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today. (Connection: DAVID)
5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them. (Connection: Sleeping beauty-discipline, gingerbread house with witch clear rules.)
6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world. (Connection: 31614)
7. Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient). (Connection: night desert Christ, concentration camps, gulag)
8. Tell the truth-or, at least don’t lie. Gulag father of lies bait hook victims.
9. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t. (Connectiod: Knowledge continued-pursuit thereof!)
10. Be precise in your speech. (Connection: Dragon swept under the rug)
11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding. (Connection: Skateboarding)
12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street. (Connection: Mischief the cat)
Oil on Masonite, 18” x 24”. $2,400.00 Canadian.
The “Yellow” background symbolizes Philosophy. The Philosophy being presented presents a monumental change in education.
The Blue Lotus: This is the symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge.
The Owl: Symbol of learning and wisdom.
The Apple: A symbol of teaching and learning. I am including the meaning of the forbidden fruit. In the context of this art work it signifies the forbidden knowledge of “Parenting” by the controllers of knowledge and education.
The books, titled, symbolize the information being accepted as worthy of studying. The book on “Parenting” is encased in the colour purple for victory of this knowledge is above all so why isn’t it an educational staple? The gold binding symbolizes “Parenting Knowledge” is of highest value.
The note paper refers to Adlerian theory, one of many wise studies of the consequences associated with types of learning.
The butterfly depicts the successful maturing individual who becomes capable of independent living. The child metamorphosis’s into a vibrant adult.
The lamp symbolizes the “Lamp of Learning”. The light of knowledge guides the individual from the Platonic Cave to the real world.
Parenting symbols adorn the desk.
Each colour depicts its complement and symbolizes the knowledge of the understanding of the scientific understanding of sight. This painting was created as a visual to accompany the artist’s philosophical belief that education must include parenting courses as per the following statement. The political leaders of Canada federally and provincially have been introduced to this information over the last three years. Here is the statement!
To parents, educators and politicians,
I want to address the educational system of all Canadians. As a teacher, parent, citizen, I have seen the consequences of the education system in Canada. I suggest that the education system is broken. In order to provide a better environment for the next generation I would like to address many issues. The press and social studies are rife with the consequences of poor parenting. Our penal system is wrought with over-crowding by remorseless youth. Todays’ youth, indulged at home and at school, see terrorism as a viable alternative to the establishment. Politicians outwardly spread falsehoods and waste billions of dollars from the ordinary citizen. In order to create a more peaceful society I would like to propose an educational idea.
I propose mandatory Parenting courses for every student from Grade 3 to Grade 12.
There are plenty of curriculum details to provide assistance for the next generation of parents. In these courses we can apply healthy parenting practices and although it will take another generation, we will be helping our grandchildren.
Society is bombarded by controlling individuals who seek personal gain. As an example I have heard from political leaders, educational gurus, university researchers, psychologists, psychiatrists and many other so-called professionals that, “our most important job in life is to raise children to be free thinking, independent, self-regulating individuals.” These words are stated then the leaders immediately turn to self-serving, self-preserving acts that prove detrimental and destructive to our off-spring. We pamper our children and then refuse to accept the consequences of our ineptness and insecurities when the youth act in a destructive and violent manner to attain whatever they desire at their whim.
A typical example of horrendous parenting is the enormous increase in “mental issues” caused by poor parenting practices. Non-parenting is not a type of parenting but abuse to the child. Children in four-year-old kindergarten are now being observed for mental issues. In schools and at home we learn how to be successful, to win, and to avoid any hardship. We refuse to teach that losing, being un-successful, failing is part of life. We teach at home and in the educational system that if you whine you will get your own way. If one child has an allergy a whole school community is prevented from bringing even healthy foods into the school rather than teaching the child that they must avoid the product. Parents feel guilty for working hard and not being around their children and have refused to discipline their children in order to be the child’s best friend. This prevalent and extremely disconcerting practice of always enabling prevents children from accepting difficulties and overcoming obstacles. We are preventing our children from becoming independent. Parents have 20 and 30 year old children still at home because the children are incapable of striking out on their own. They have been pampered into believing that they need all that the parents have economically and that starting out at a lower economic level is too hard to bear.
The youth backed by their parents and the legal system act as if they deserve anything they want. Principals in the public education system allow students to skip many positive learning experiences like Remembrance Day Ceremonies. Universities are observing that they now have parents addressing their child’s professors in order to attain passing or higher grades.
Studies show that a human male’s brain is not fully developed until the individual is in their early 20’s. The legal system implies that youth therefore should not suffer logical consequences for their wrongdoings. We know right from wrong at age seven but planting seeds to prevent consequences is all the legal system seems to require. The human body is also not fully developed until the early 20’s yet we know what is good and what is wrong. We know that hurting our body is not constructive. Political leaders, directors of education, principals and teachers with their strong unions stood by when physical education classes became elective. The political leaders increased the number of graduates by refusing to have failures in order to look good at election time. We have taken mandatory Physical Education out of the schools and wonder today why so many youth are obese. The leaders are responsible and the system has just changed the names as those who created the problems live on healthy pensions. I realize that having parenting courses is a long term idea and politicians desire short term aspirin ideas but I believe that there is no longer a short term resolution for the bureaucracies involved.
We spend years teaching courses in order to become police officers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, economists, etc. but we do not provide proper learning for the most important job of all, parenting.
I believe proper mandatory parenting courses will lead to less criminal behaviour, less need for individual medical treatment, greater individual mental health, less dependence on drugs, healthier family life, fewer penal institutions a stronger and more positive society.
I was invited to address a graduation class at West Carleton secondary school in 2014-these were my thoughts!
Graduation Breakfast at West Carleton Secondary School, 2014
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
Thank you, for inviting me to speak at your graduation breakfast this morning. I was asked by Ms. Langford to speak a few words of wisdom for you today. She has a library full of wise thoughts. There are so many great books, and so little time spent reading. Never let it be said of you what William Faulkner said about Ernest Hemingway, "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." It is still a challenge for me to speak a few words.
Retirement finds me thinking of you. Like the words of the country song----
"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here."
Life is like a hockey game, some play off-side, others on-side, some with enthusiasm, and some just don’t give a puck.
Unfortunately life can be like a hockey game in other ways, if the opposition is great, some will resort to intentional injury.
Try to hurt as few people along the way as possible. If you enjoy hurting others seek help for your insecurities.
If empathy can be learned let us pursue it like a miser pursues money.
I do hope each of you graduates emulate the great Socrates in his famous retort. On being asked concerning knowledge, the most famous philosopher said, “I know nothing.”
Knowledge has no substitute.
Isn’t it amazing how every parent tries to have their child acquire speech and then just as the child reaches about age three they are told to keep quiet. For the next 14 or 15 years you are told what to think. I do hope that high school has taught you, how to think. Hopefully you leave this institution questioning truth, the universe.
Your education is just beginning, be fearful of ignorance. Be curious of all and question all in order to make the world a better place. The most important part of your future, raising your children, has rarely been touched in high school as future employment has been stressed. Learn the vast amount of knowledge available before you bring the next generation into the world. You will ensure a better earth for them. How you make a living is important, but how you make a life is vital. If you don't pay attention to your personal relationships, no amount of career success will be enough. Don't ever underestimate the power of character. If you want to win, don't whine. Success is made from hard work, perseverance, and integrity, not luck.
In the words of Alfred Einstein, “The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Challenge knowledge to realize a better world. This world can be improved.
By all means, set goals and go after your dreams, but know that your ultimate happiness will depend not on your plans but on your ability to cope with unexpected turns and unavoidable ups and downs. You may not get what you thought you wanted, but if you're willing to adapt, you can get something even better. Let the journey be your quest.
The greater the adversity you have to overcome the greater the rewards of success. Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Cancer can be treated but only by reason, study and the growth of knowledge.
If graduating has failed to tax your abilities, educators have failed to entice you to achieve your potential.
Many who may step in your way are themselves incapable of rising to a level of mediocrity.
When people throw stones at you build a sculpture with them.
Never unquestioningly follow the dictates of others. Leadership is declining to intentionally injure others. Leadership is cultivating seeds not destroying crops. Leadership is teaching that consequences are an integral part of all actions. Leadership is realizing one can be wrong and preventing wrongful decisions in the future. Planting a tree will be beneficial to future generations even if one may not live long enough to see a tree reach maturity.
With each passing day achieving your potential becomes more of your own responsibility. Unlimited wisdom and ardent resolve arise from a sense of responsibility. If we haven’t taught you responsibilities you are destined to wander aimlessly through life. If we haven’t taught consequences we have failed you.
To think for oneself is incredibly time consuming and difficult work. To follow a path of character, freedom, strength, honesty, resilience, is no mean achievement reserved for the courageous. Courage means, to question, to protect the innocent, to help those who are suffering, to stand tall when authorities are wrong, evil, power hungry. Your paths will now lead away from “West” so as you travel walk backwards so you see where you left, so you know that there are people left behind who were influential in your youth, your childhood. Walk backwards going forward and remember most of all your paths are the result of others, many who have given their lives so you have paths to pursue. Thank those living who have given you direction and those who are deceased thank within your hearts their penultimate sacrifice. Walk away with heads held high and shoulders strong to help those in need. Walk away and give a hand along the way remembering the hands that have helped you as you travel towards your destiny. Walk away with confidence not trepidation, resolve not anger, “Anger is a wind that blows out the lamp of the mind.” Walk away to your unknown but exciting future and may all your decisions be thoughtful and positive. Thank-you for Remembering on Remembrance Day. Have a great day, a great life.
The triptych of three vases was created by the inspiration of a beautifully crafted vase filled with sunflowers and daisies. The bouquet was given to the artist by friends Dr. Howard (Peter) Blackwood and Dorothy Hutt to help in the recovery from hip replacement surgery. The three paintings were completed March/April 2007.
“Still Life with Vase” #1
Purple background signifies mystery, spirituality, nobility, authority and victory.
The inclusion of a single entity suggests generation, creative power, unity, and enlightenment. One also symbolizes the human figure and the self. (Vase and Moon)
The symbolic meaning of three entities represents all aspects of creation. The underworld, earth heavens; birth, life and death; past, present and future; and/or the mind, body and spirit. (Gerber Daisies)
The number five represents the human being. Five digits on hands and feet, four limbs and a head, five senses. Five in Greek times represents five elements that make up a human; body, animal soul, psyche, intelligence and divine spirit. Five represents divine proportion that creates architectural harmony. (Seeds - which themselves symbolizes regeneration and continuation)
Seven symbolizes heaven or divinity, and it unifies the macrocosm and microcosm and signifies perfect cosmic order. Seven governs time and space. (Sunflowers)
The number eight represents re-birth and is an agent of universal order. (Tulips)
The number nine symbolizes the powerful triplication of the three worlds and of the body, intellect and soul. Nine also represents eternity, completion and incorruptibility. (Daisies)
Ten represents spiritual achievement and return to unity. (Stars) Oak (table) symbolizes the king of the forest, strength, masculinity, military glory and immortality.
Waxing moon represents resurrection from death creation and fertility. Stars represent spiritual enlightenment, wisdom and human aspiration.
“Still Life with Vase” #2
Yellow and gold background signifies the sun, light, royalty and masculinity. Yellow also symbolizes cheerful outgoing tendencies.
The inclusion of a single entity suggests generation, creative power, unity, and enlightenment. One also symbolizes the human figure and the self. (Vase, Iris, Moon and Dove)
The symbolic meaning of three entities represents all aspects of creation. The underworld, earth heavens; birth, life and death; past, present and future; and/or the mind, body and spirit. (Irises)
The number five represents the human being. Five digits on hands and feet, four limbs and a head, five senses. Five in Greek times represents five elements that make up a human; body, animal soul, psyche, intelligence and divine spirit. Five represents divine proportion that creates architectural harmony. (Seeds - which themselves symbolizes regeneration and continuation
The number eight represents re-birth and is an agent of universal order. (Dahlias, Statis)
The number nine symbolizes the powerful triplication of the three worlds and of the body, intellect and soul. Nine also represents eternity, completion and incorruptibility. (Mums)
Oak (table) symbolizes the king of the forest, strength, masculinity, military glory and immortality.
The full moon represents completeness and unity.
The Dove represents peace.
“Still Life with Vase” #3
Blue and silver represents peace, and a cool unemotional head as well as water and air female and fertility.
The rainbow signifies the end of a storm and survival of bad weather, rough times. The rainbow also represents incorruptibility, strength and eternal life. The rainbow symbolizes the seven stoles of Isis as well as perfect cosmic order. The background Rainbow represents inclusion of all life forms and orientations.
The inclusion of a single entity suggests generation, creative power, unity, and enlighten. One also symbolizes the human figure and the self. (Vase, Rainbow, Daffodil)
The inclusion of two entities signifies balance and passage of time. The binary represents the two sexes. (Fishes)
The number five represents the human being. Five digits on hands and feet, four limbs and a head, five senses. Five in Greek times represents five elements that make up a human; body, animal soul, psyche, intelligence and divine spirit. Five represents divine proportion that creates architectural harmony. (Seeds - which themselves symbolizes regeneration and continuation)
Seven symbolizes heaven or divinity, and it unifies the macrocosm and microcosm and signifies perfect cosmic order. Seven governs time and space. (Colours of the Rainbow)
Red roses represent love and passion.
The Daffodil represents springtime.
Fish symbolizes food and male and female.
Oak (table) symbolizes the king of the forest, strength, masculinity, military glory and immortality.
The Mind Series
"The Normal Mind" based on the research of Paul Thagard, in his seminal work, ‘The Brain and the Meaning of Life’. When neurons fire electrically they emit human emotions represented by the bubbles of colour. The symbolic representative colour of depicted neurons in the normal mind is constituent to the all normal characteristics of human personality. The various bubbles symbolize the many characteristics of human emotions. These emotions are actual and further research will determine if in fact, like a gas, the emotions will have physical weight and substance. By questioning how we think and store information scientists are unraveling the truths of the mind rather than confining our knowledge to age old story telling and forced indoctrination. Such studies promise to offer greater understanding of human emotions and how we can create a healthier individual in the future.
"The Empathetic Mind" is from a series of paintings depicting the studies of Paul Thagard in his seminal work, ‘The Brain and the Meaning of Life’. The images buried in stylized neurons emphasize symbolic representations of empathy. When neurons fire electrically they emit human emotions represented by the bubbles of colour. The symbolic representative colour of empathy is pink and pale green and therefore there is a plethora of pink and pale green bubbles in the painting. The various other bubbles symbolize the other many characteristics of human emotions. The tear emanating in the figures’ eyes reflect the idea that when one has empathy with another they feel the same pain when one is inflicted with pain. Hands reach to comfort another and the stylized heart symbolizes love and friendship. These emotions are actual and further research will determine if in fact, like a gas, the emotions will have physical weight and substance. By questioning how we think and store information scientists are unraveling the truths of the mind rather than confining our knowledge to age old story telling and forced indoctrination.
"The Angry Mind" is from a series of paintings depicting the studies of Paul Thagard in his seminal work, ‘The Brain and the Meaning of Life’. The images buried in stylized neurons emphasize symbolic representations of anger. When neurons fire electrically they emit human emotions represented by the bubbles of colour. The symbolic representative colour of red and black bubbles depict anger therefore there is a plethora of red and black bubbles in the painting. The various other bubbles symbolize the other many characteristics of human emotions. Futher symbolism occurs as angry faces are hidden in the background of neurons. These emotions are actual and further research will determine if in fact, like a gas, the emotions will have physical weight and substance. By questioning how we think and store information scientists are unravelling the truths of the mind rather than confining our knowledge to age old story telling and forced indoctrination.
"The Arrogant, Selfish, Envious, Jealous Mind", is from a series of paintings depicting the studies of Paul Thagard in his seminal work, ‘The Brain and the Meaning of Life’. The image buried in stylized neurons emphasize symbolic representations of arrogance, selfishness, envy and jealousy. When neurons fire electrically they emit human emotions represented by the bubbles of colour. The symbolic representative colour of arrogant is purple, selfishness is brick red, enviousness is dirty green and jealousy is dark green. These coloured bubbles dominate in this visual presentation of these traits. The various other bubbles symbolize the other many characteristics of human emotions. These emotions are actual and further research will determine if in fact, like a gas, the emotions will have physical weight and substance. By questioning how we think and store information scientists are unraveling the truths of the mind rather than confining our knowledge to age old story telling and forced indoctrination.
2011, Oil on Masonite, 96” x 48”.
9/11 Memorial
Although confusing I am using the death toll from this above information.
The number of Gold Stars symbolizing the victims excludes the terrorists.
The background includes the original twin towers in New York City.
The replacement light beams symbolize the eternal resilient stamina of Americans especially New Yorkers. This beam of light continues to entice reflection and thought on the 9/11 terrorist attack.
The purple indication of the replacement architecture symbolizes victory over evil. The good will rise on the embers of the evil as right elevates and the wrong remembered is erased but never forgotten.
The statement leaves no doubt to a philosophy of good over evil. CULTURE CAN NEVER JUSTIFY INEQUALITY EVIL.
The painting intends to present the evil of indoctrination and how so very few can cause so much damage to the masses. America welcomes all and they come in droves for a better life and a very few desire to impose their prejudices, inequalities and ignorance that so many try to escape from in the first place.
The lower portion highlights again with purple for victory, firefighters who helped their fellow individuals at the ultimate cost of life trying to save lives rather than destroying life.
First responders symbol from the following web-site for 9/11 First responders symbols.
Twenty-four Canadians fell on 9/11. Twenty-four stars are intersected with a green streak symbolizing the Northern Lights. A tiny poppy also designates the fallen Canadians.
My Story of 9/11
I was in a classroom at Woodroffe High School in Ottawa, Canada, teaching a history lesson when I received a call from the school librarian Brent Taylor, that I should immediately see the news. I went to a computer in time to see the second aircraft crash into the trade towers in New York City. Being a teacher of politics I was immediately confronted with the tragedy unfolding and realized that this was an act of war. A call to the office was made and Principal Katie Jarvis was summoned from a meeting outside the school. A short time later Principal Katie Jarvis called and questioned me as to what I thought was happening. After a brief conversation Principal Jarvis asked me to address all the students and staff in the Library and to take questions from the students. The school was summoned to the library and all the students gathered while I quickly gathered my thoughts and introduced them to the 9/11 disastrous attack on the Trade Towers in New York.
On my way to the library I was confronted with some cheering from students who had already heard the news and were appearing to cheer the evil perpetrated on the innocents in New York City. These were male students who attended Islamic readings in the school during the lunch time. They were extremely callous and noisy when confronted and had obviously been well indoctrinated by their families, religion and places of birth. I was absolutely disgusted with their behaviour. They were in Canada seeking a better life! They came from Islamic states.
After all the students were assembled in the Library I informed the students of the attacks in New York City. Many students became visibly shaken and asked questions. The first questions were. “Who would do this? Why? Are we in danger? What will America do?" I have always been trusted by my students because I insist on truth. I told them that these were terrorists who hate freedom and were attacking a culture that believes in freedom. I mentioned many different groups who oppose freedom. I mentioned that all peoples who believe in the rights of women, people of different beliefs, sexual orientation, etc. were hated and could at anytime be attacked. I mentioned Pearl Harbour and explained that this day was similar and was ominous and a war would probably occur. Some female students addressed the smiles of their peers and brothers as they realized that those who cheered the 9/11 attacks were guilty of trying to continue the inequalities of their homelands. The female students were far more aware of the consequences. They still live the inequality in their own homes. The female students from Islamic states were quick to share their views on going back to their countries of birth. They would never want that former life of servitude. The boys use to talk about going back and having multiple wives. Teenage boys become the men of the future. The library session lasted about an hour and the students were sent to their lunch. During my afternoon classes, discussions continued about New York City with updates as they became available. When school ended I raced home to watch on the television the cheering from Lebanon and other Middle-Eastern regions which would be blacked out as night descended.
My emotions were enormous that day and continue to be constantly addressed. As a teacher and an individual, I watched in horror the ignorance of cultures descending into the basest of human potentialities. I also saw the highest of human endeavours as individuals gave their lives trying to save others unknown to them. I saw the evil of indoctrinating people based on ignorant traditions and faulty thinking. I witnessed an event that would change the freedoms of the freest societies in history. I heard the attempt to justify mass murder based upon the ignorant indoctrinated beliefs of ancient unintelligible, misogynist doctrines. I saw the depths of despair that leads to total hatred, genocide. I witnessed the consequences of being politically correct rather than being honest. I saw how, by not acting, the enslavement of others will continue in future generations. As an artist I am trying to confront the reality of 9/11 in order to prevent more such events.
To the first responders: You have died for freedom, murdered by those enslaved and directed by ignorance.
Will we address the roots of war? 10/12/2023 The Ottawa Citizen
Another war begins in the Middle East as eight billion people worldwide continue to be manipulated by ancient fallacies and indoctrinations founded on imaginary entities. Leaders of war machines spread hatred and lies to encourage martyrs. The leaders spread indoctrination to the uneducated, who then cheer and extol evil towards their enemies.
Pathetic parents encourage their children to emulate their hatred by celebrating murder, rape, kidnapping and other horrid atrocities. These same leaders and parents indoctrinate their followers that their imaginary gods are on their side.
In 2023, is it not time to eradicate all institutions that justify behaviours of inequality and discrimination? When will freedoms for individual differences be enshrined as a human ideal? When will people step forward and teach equality rather than superiority? When will leaders be chosen for integrity rather than as panderers of conspiracy theories and false news? Will we ever have the courage to address the real causes of war?
Patrick Mason, Stittsville
We are stepping away from democracy. 2022
Disdain for voting is consistent with the entitlement of voters. Democracy is complicated and when freedoms are expected without participating in responsible actions to assure a societal voice those freedoms become tenuous at best.
Parents, and educators have not properly prepared voters to accept their responsibilities. Politicians who are untrustworthy, self-serving or who skirt the law are responsible for the low reputation of politics itself. Billions of people would love the chance to vote for a better society but can’t. Education is a life-long endeavour that too many spurn. And many societies prevent their indoctrinated citizens from getting a proper education. Preventing learning and eliminating the unbiased press are the first steps toward the end of democracy. We can do much better.
The Russian Unprovoked Bombing Of Ukraine 2022
Supporting a political party is like supporting a religion. No matter how much scientific evidence is presented to discredit the righteousness of their policies it is impossible to accept evil perpetrated by a leadership that denies their wrongdoing. Attributing all wrongs to a different party continues to strengthen an adherence to their chosen allegiance. Ultimate truth relies on the freedom of the press that is the first to be eliminated by leaderships that deny freedom to the citizenry. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and now Putin recognize the value of continual lies that cannot be presented by a press essential for a truthful leadership. The demise of democracy assures a continuation of megalomaniacal leaders who willingly treat others as inferiors deserving of genocide.
Canada Day 2021-addressing celebrations-HONESTY AND INTEGRITY
Canadians are a diverse lot originating from around the world and evolving from many cultures. Celebrating as a unified group, when our historical and present systems refuse to sustain equality and legitimacy to all, is now in question. Many continue to refuse to accept the most grievous facts that affect millions of Canadians. From sea to sea to sea we have groups that hold others in disdain and continue to separate other groups by colour, culture, sex, language, religion, philosophies, age and an assortment of other traits. We refuse to accept the truth and to teach the truth of the many shortcomings we have. We pretend to believe that our past teachings could not create consequences of horror to millions. We try to blame others, deflect the obvious facts, and continue to preach false concepts that are cruel and sow the seeds of inequality. We indoctrinate ridiculous and perverse ideas of superiority. To celebrate a day of unity should also teach the evils of the past to prevent the same mistakes in the future. Let us best celebrate the intent to educate present and future generations to create a better society for all peoples including all Canadians. Let us teach honesty and integrity and demand leaders that unite rather than divide.
Responsibility and Consequences: 2021
Canadians have a collective and individual responsibility for consequences and compensations for bureaucracies that treat others as inferiors. Organizations, established by male misogynist teachings from earlier times, must be held accountable for the consequences of their past shortfalls. Having all individuals vote leads to a greater duty to educate ourselves in the affairs of state. The demand for honesty and integrity is therefore raised to a higher standard since we are all responsible for the consequences of political decision making. We must be much more demanding of the facts of history rather than allowing only ideas presented by the few in power. We must rigorously demand that truth and honesty prevail so our choices for leaders is based on facts not fictitious wishful thinking. We must choose leaders with integrity rather than those determined to undermine all others for their self-interest. Let us continue to learn about past mistakes for a better future for all. Let us never again be responsible for legalizing racism, genocides or any other consequences, that are discriminatory for any other groups.
Addressing education, discrimination, indigenous treatment etcetera.
I propose mandatory Parenting courses for every student from grades 3 to12. There are plenty of curriculum details to provide strong future parenting practices. I have heard from political leaders, educational gurus, university researchers, psychologists, psychiatrists and many other professionals that, “our most important job in life is to raise children to be free thinking, independent, self-regulating individuals.” These words are stated then completely ignored. An example is the enormous increase in “mental issues” caused by poor parenting practices. Non-parenting is not a type of parenting but abuse to the child. Children in four-year-old kindergarten are now being observed for mental issues. In schools and at home we learn how to be successful, to win, and to avoid any hardship. We refuse to teach that losing, being unsuccessful, failing is part of life. Parents have refused to discipline their children in order to be the child’s best friend. This practice of enabling prevents children from accepting difficulties and overcoming obstacles. We are preventing our children from becoming independent. Political leaders, directors of education, principals and teachers with their strong unions stood by when physical education classes became elective. Now we lament a society of obesity. The political leaders increased the number of graduates by refusing to have failures in order to look good at election time. I realize that having parenting courses is a long term idea and politicians desire short term aspirin ideas but I believe that there is no longer a short term resolution for the bureaucracies involved.
RACISM: 2018
We are taught by parents, educators, friends and associates to be racist and to discriminate, to hate, to harm and treat others as inferiors. Racism is perpetuated by authorities who benefit by reducing others to follow orders unquestioningly. We are taught to believe that our religion, our philosophy, our way of life is superior to all others. We create laws and constitutions to enforce a belief that we are all treated equally then watch as the powerful abdicate their duties to protect the law to secure their own self-serving wants. Our politicians refuse to defend truth as they refuse to stand against regimes of millions and billions of individuals horrendously enslaved by minorities of powerful elites. Misogynist leaders refuse to allow equal rights for women while claiming to represent them. Religious organizations openly discriminate against sexual differences, some even disallowing women as equal partnership of leadership. We are indoctrinated to believe the most absurd ideologies and wonder why we have race riots. Our leaders don't follow the law and wonder why many of the abused revolt. Rather than wonder perhaps we can begin to lead instead of indoctrinate. We have an opportunity to vote for change unlike many other regions of the world. If all the citizenry in the past had voted what would today's leadership look like?
Bullying tactics leave victims permanently damaged. Continuous demands that are immoral, inappropriate and indeed destructive to citizens are disgusting. Canadians are supposedly protected by a clear division of, or, separation of the judiciary and parliament. The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould is the personification of Canadian values that have evolved under a rule of law established over centuries of legislation. She has absorbed interrogation by individuals bent on protecting their domain who are in a position to protect the rule of law for all. She alone has stood tall to assure Canadians that our values are worthy. The so called team of the political party ruled by Justin Trudeau are defending a tradition of bullying, over-reaching power, and self-serving posturing while being elected to promote a just society. The destructive attempt to eliminate an independent judiciary is the sign of dictatorial power. The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould is indigenous, a woman, and a Canadian this alone makes the history of denying equality for any individuals pathetically irresponsible. Thank-you, Jody Wilson-Raybould, your leadership, strength, and integrity are of enormous historic value!
Reference: Treatment of an Indigenous, female hero. 2019.
Magna Carta was to begin the legalese to hold even royalty responsible for their actions. Hundreds of years later an opportunistic leader and his cronies belie the letter and the spirit of this law. This tyrannical behaviour by the Liberal party in Canada ends any precept of responsibility. The continuing discrimination against indigenous peoples, women, and the rule of law is now openly acclaimed by those without the courage of Jody Wilson-Raybould. How unfortunate that some are writing how a Quebec company is more important than the rule of law as if citizens of Quebec have greater rights than those from other regions. The argument denies that all must be accountable to prevent gross behaviours by any and all citizens. SNC Lavalin has admitted guilt now the Prime Minister wants to reward it. The largess of the continuing mistreatment of indigenous peoples is simply the result of ingrained lower status attributed to these citizens since they first were conquered by Europeans. Indoctrination is a sad reality as followers of a political party are incapable of honoring a standard of truth in order to gain a personal quest. The real leader with integrity is the one most defamed and least understood by a group of ruffians bullying their way to their own wants. This government is an insult to democracy.
The Liberals are stating that it is fine to bully an Attorney General to eliminate a constitutional dictum of prosecutorial independence. After several attempts to intimidate and threaten Jody Wilson-Raybould, Trudeau and his followers remove an Attorney General in order to get their own way. The Liberal party now tries to suggest that Jody Wilson-Raybould should not have taped a conversation, as police do to capture criminals, without declaring her intent to do so. Are they suggesting that the Liberal intent of Wernick would have been different and would he be able to then deny recollection of conversations that were intended to be illegal, immoral and a threat to the Canadian constitution. Under what circumstance would a Liberal member of parliament finally show integrity and remove an incompetent dictatorial leader?
In response to the health care workers, teachers, transit workers and those on the front lines continuing to help their fellow citizens. The entitled political leadership with their sheepish followers are incapable of understanding the consequences of their behaviours. Doctors are spending their time being coerced to go beyond all their principles, "to save all patients", to choose who will live? One of the largest and richest countries of the world that boasts of free, ‘health care,’ is unable to manufacture or acquire vaccines for their citizenry. The leaders are blaming others for their predicament because they have never been taught about consequences to their self-serving decision making. Meanwhile all we can do is write, sing, sculpt, paint, act, and record the pandemic reality so future generations may see that self-indulgences destroy society. Let us thank the essential services workers for their heroic effort to try to help the afflicted and dying. If we are incapable of being part of the solution let us at least not add to the problem.
How the indigenous of the world must have felt when their borders were breached with measles, small pox, mumps etcetera, is how many individuals feel today. The major difference is now we rely on scientists to actually cure a pandemic. Scientists have cured diseases. Scientists many refuse to adequately support. Scientists that need constant endorsement to prevent catastrophes before they occur. Will this lesson be learned?
The Middle East is again descending into violent chaos with peoples’ bodies being torn to bloody pieces. Indoctrinated teachings of ancient interpretations of fallacies, created by misogynist leaders, continue to define the horrendous actions of humans. Justifying; murders, rape, plunder and pillage in a supposed, age of intelligence, exemplifies the carnage consequences of such teachings. Using imaginary gods to sanction barbaric treatment of fellow humans is proof positive of the evil of self-serving ideas steeped in antiquity. The imaginary deities cannot invent cures for pandemics but are used to justify behaviours that devour humans in the crises called war. Men rule according to their perceived entitlements. Women are considered inferior and are indoctrinated to support such travesties. Women, even in a supposedly free society, vote and encourage institutionalized misogyny. Societies, ruled by men, devote economies to create weaponry and teach sanctioned mythologies to control their billions of followers. Artificial borders, created by self-serving men, impose restrictions that are fundamental barriers to equality. We are led by politicians who act for themselves alone. The masses are indoctrinated to accept inequalities based on colour, sexuality, age, economic status and other out-of-favour traits. We have polluted this planet and will certainly continue our behaviours as we search for territories beyond our blue planet. We are indoctrinating each new generation to continue our paths of destruction. Will we ever learn to teach ‘how to think’ rather than ‘what to think’? If we spend our efforts and economies to teach peace and justice we could maybe eliminate our compulsion for war and unequal entitlement. Meanwhile the Middle-East festers with death and destruction, the consequences of past teachings.
The ideas steeped in antiquity refer to past and present ideas and do not exclude any male warriors of any beliefs. The practice of entitled leaders warring for self-aggrandisement is a pathetic reality kept alive by indoctrinating future generations! Justification of evil is based on indoctrinating values of superiority!
As an artist and former teacher I believe that the destruction of artifacts, art works, literature, sculptures, paintings, music etc. is detrimental to all citizens. Great works of art when destroyed suggest that happenings never occurred. In time the greatest achievements and the greatest evils are forgotten. It is far more promising to continue debating and explaining the events of the individuals and societies of the past in order to evolve into a more promising future. The destruction of art works has occurred in recent times in Afghanistan, America, Europe, Asia and Africa. We can change names but let us not delete from common knowledge the evils wrought by horrendous leaders and organizations. Let us teach rather than indoctrinate. Let us eliminate structural bias based upon insidious beliefs of superiority. Let us prevent teachings of pathetically destructive systems that relegate other humans to eternal damnation. Humans have access to the greatest knowledge ever available that has seen enormous strides in medicines and travel and artistic wonderments. If we all could be educated to strive more forward in all the sciences we should be able to create a truly civil society. Let us study our vile history so we never live it again. Let us study all organizations and hold them responsible and accountable for their mistreatment of other humans. It is time to lead with honesty and integrity.
The military, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and other organizations have a proven track record, evidenced, of rape, bullying, and mal-treatment of women. Politicians, also accused of reprehensible behaviours towards women continue to refuse to address this pathetic scar on Canadian society. It is not just men who vote so perhaps women can finally organize and eliminate the law-makers who refuse to protect them.
Imagine a female, indigenous, and courageous individual who has shown her mettle by standing up against Prime Minister Trudeau and his bullying henchmen in favour of integrity and honesty.
Continued Badgering of Jody Wilson-Raybould
The graveyards across Canada are filled with the consequences of the indoctrinated beliefs of individuals and organizations that continue to preach their supposed superior ideals. Citizens continue to support evil doctrines by voting for and economically supporting the status quo. When will we surround historical artworks with facts that enforce our changing social understandings? The great artistic singers like Joan Baez, "With God on Our Side", painters like Picasso, "Guernica", and sculptors like Rodin, "The Thinker", tried to teach future generations that indoctrinated superiority has nothing more than evil consequences for those considered inferior. Genocides justified by superior gods have left millions of smolden human remains. When will we ever learn how to think rather than what to think? When will we learn that there are consequences for all our actions? When will we accept that fantasies are simply man made answers for the unknown? When will we teach truth rather than indoctrinate unfathomable and unprovable tripe? When will we select leaders with honesty and integrity rather than for their entitled self-serving selves.
Indigenous Facts: 2021
The organizations we continue to support economically and politically will abdicate their duties to retain a status quo of inequity. If we change the status quo we can direct a more socially appealing society! The tip of the iceberg will fade within a short time and the Canadian leadership will continue with false platitudes in order to serve themselves. The well documented deaths and abuses, of residential schools, has been long known. Documentaries of W5 and Fifth Estate provided evidence of murder, rape, and horrendous abuses 30 years ago and now Canadian leaders pretend that they were unaware. I cannot trust our leadership so how is it possible that indigenous citizens should trust them? I taught about these facts for decades at day school and night school but most didn't. It is not easy to fight indoctrination when it is the backbone of one's belief system and protected by bureaucracies designed to protect the status quo!
Education versus indoctrination! Imagine what a 20 year old has been taught when he murders innocents he does not know. Imagine murdering ordinary citizens because you are indoctrinated to think you are entitled and superior! Imagine not approaching a subject that you have no knowledge of and have accepted the devious opinions on from illiterate purveyors of hatred! Imagine burying children with no names. Imagine!
RACISM: 2021
When we teach superiority of colour, religion, culture, or race we must live with out-of-control 20 year olds murdering those who are different. Indoctrinated to hatred justified by, fantasies of eternal bliss, continues in our society. Refusing to eradicate the causes of hatred assures the continuation of evil. Intentionally remaining ignorant of the consequences of hatred enables the status quo. When will we teach rather than preach and indoctrinate?
RACISM: 2021
Plato (427-347 B.C), 2,400 years ago stated, "It Is the responsibility of the philosopher to teach truth to the people." This idea has been seized upon by religious zealots who have preached their limited knowledge to others. The teachings, of zealots for thousands of years, continue in this scientific age in spite of the vast advancements in science. Proselytizing of fantasies continues in our society as we replace learning with indoctrination. We destroy evidence of our evils in order to subject future generations to adapt to our beliefs. In subjecting others to our indoctrinations we are in reality telling others we are superior. This entitled feeling leads to hatred of those who are of different beliefs, colours, cultures, and sexuality. Our political leaders refuse to confront the teaching of hatred and our free press seems to shy away from holding them accountable for this origin of hate. Continuing to deflect responsibility for evils past and present assures the continuation of hatred.
4/10/2023 It is difficult to believe that hatred continues based on fallacies of superiority. The adherence to fabrications based on ignorance indoctrinates bigotry, racism, entitlement and war.
Toronto Roman Catholic parents continue to agitate to have their ancient, unfounded, discriminatory beliefs taught in schools and in their churches funded by public tax money. A sixteen year old, indoctrinated into a religious belief, is fraught with angst as he is refused acceptance to an education in a Catholic education system in Renfrew . These same systems continue to discriminate against women and LGTBQia2s+ and are given tax benefits to continue to promote their ideas. Ideologies promoting hatred and inequalities or intolerances of gender, colour, culture should never be acceptable under a guise such as religious free speech. African countries including Kenya and 31 others have openly used pathetic religious ideas to criminalize LGTBQia2s+ individuals. Other countries openly spread their hatred in the name of their religious interpretations dating back thousands of years. Such beliefs should never trump science. Unfortunately the teaching of superiority based on illogical misogynist indoctrinations continues in Canada. Canada is a country struggling to accept the horrendous consequences of its' historic intolerant ideologies. Is there a political leader brave enough to approach this, 'elephant in the room', and eradicate the teachings of destructive ideologies that destroy equality?